Welcome to PGHPCS!
The Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society knows what exceptional service truly means. Our expertly trained care team provides compassionate care during some of the toughest life transitions. Our Rotary Hospice House is a ten-bed facility equipped to accommodate those looking for palliative end-of life-care, respite, and pain management services. Our Solace centre provides community outreach which includes caregiver, bereavement support, and comfort to our community.
Care at Rotary Hospice
At the Rotary Hospice House, we believe that everyone deserves the best quality of care until the end of life. We offer pain management, respite care, and quality end-of-life care with the goal of ensuring you are living as fully as you can with your life-limiting condition.
Grief Support Programs
The loss of a loved one is one of the most challenging life experiences. We have trained grief support workers on site along with volunteers available for care and support. We understand that people need to talk about their grief and we are here to listen with an open heart.
Get Involved
Volunteer today and support a local community organization. Opportunities are fitting for everyone from directly working with the guests at the Rotary Hospice House to volunteering at our Resale store or participating at events. Tell us your talents and specialties and how you can help Hospice!

As long as there is movement, even just a little bit, you are doing the grief work. Slowly, over time, a bit of movement, that’s all that is required. It’s like a spiral. Slowly, around and around and you start to see that even though you are experiencing a...

Father’s Day
Another day of celebration. At least for other people. For people who are grieving, this can be another day that makes the absence of our person seem more present. We are reminded of the loss. Of course for many of us, we don’t have to be reminded. We walk with it...

The Only Way Out Is Through
It is hard to admit for some of us but the only way to move through your grief is to intentionally do your grieving. Pretending it isn’t there and stuffing it down just doesn’t work. It takes way more energy to resist your grief that it does to let it in. We know that...
Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society launches the Rec Room programs
The Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society (PGHPCS) is offering new Rec Room Programs, furthering its commitment to expanding hospice services for the community. This new addition aligns with the strategic goal of creating a space for individuals with...