Northern Health has launched a COVID-19 Online Clinic and Information Line to help answer questions and concerns from Northern BC residents. The NH COVID-19 Online Clinic and Information Line can be reached at 1-844-645-7811.
Other options for health information and advice continue to be available, including calling your primary care provider, or contacting HealthLink BC (8-1-1) at any time. For general COVID-19 health advice and answers to common questions, please continue to visit:…/diseases-co…/covid-19/common-questions
BC Government Dr. Henry has asked that visitation to long term care be limited to protect our most vulnerable. To postpone or cancel events with 50 or more people

Changes and Impacts to Hospice

The following procedures are a part of our Pandemic Preparedness Implementation Plan and will be effective immediately. We ask that everyone reads the entirety of the documents as it is pertinent to all of us here at Hospice.

New Visitation Policy at RHH

The Hospice House will continue to allow visitors, however, to protect our guests, staff and volunteers, we ask you to limit to 4 people per room with 10-minute visits. Changes may be made in extenuating circumstances as per Team Lead.

Please comply with the following:

Please DO NOT visit if:

  • You feel unwell
  • You have been out of the country within the last 14 day
  • You have shortness of breat
  • Headache (worse than typical
  • You have a sore throat, cough, or runny nos
  • You have been in contact with someone il
  • You have had COVID-19 swap and awaiting results

At Rotary Hospice House, we ask that you wash your hands thoroughly with either soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer when:

  • Entering or leaving the house
  • Entering or leaving a guests room
  • Before and after touching a patient or patient environment
  • Before and after eating
  • When hands are visibly soiled
  • After using the toilet
  • After coughing or sneezing
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow and not into your hands  

Social Distancing

  • We are asking all visitors to stay in the guest’s room.
  • Keeping visiting to a short amount of time
  • No sitting in common areas
  • No utilizing kitchen except to get coffee or counter treat
  • Only guests and immediate bedside caregiver will be provided food, which will be served in the guest’s room

Hospice Community Programs

In support of the need to social distance, and self-isolate the Hospice Programs will be postponed until further notice These include

  • Tea Time for the Soul Monday and Saturday
  • Broken Circle
  • Coffee for the Caregiver
  • Rainbows
  • Grief and Grub for Guys

We will be providing one to one telephone support for those that need it, please call Solace Centre, and we will arrange for someone to call the individuals back. 1-250-563-2551

Solace Non-Clinical Staff

We have set up our staff to be able to continue to work remotely from their homes. We will have someone on-site at the solace center daily to receive people and direct any inquiries.

Additional Information on Covid-19

Answering Questions:

Prince George has activated a new Facebook page to provide new accurate information

Covid-19 Information for Prince George


Use the following links to learn more.

BC Centre for Disease Control COVID-19

Health Canada Care Guidelines

Health Canada Personal Preparedness Guide

World Health Organization COVID-19