It is hard to admit for some of us but the only way to move through your grief is to intentionally do your grieving. Pretending it isn’t there and stuffing it down just doesn’t work. It takes way more energy to resist your grief that it does to let it in.
We know that at Hospice. We also see people who come for grief support finding tools to cope and finding relief in being able to talk to people who are going through the same thing. There is just something about that piece that helps people to breathe easier.
We also know that a lot of people don’t come to Hospice for support because they do not want to join a support group. We get it! And – we know you are grieving.
It is in this vein that we are finally able to offer more programs in different ways.
We are opening the Rec Room in the back yard for people who do not want to sit at a table and talk. People who would simply like to be with others who are in the same boat.
We are always asking the question – how can we support people in our community?
What if we invited people in to do activities? What if we used the space to create wellness programs? To come at grief in a different way. What if we found ways for people to come together without pressure?
This is very new for Hospice – Wellness as a focus. ( I will say that grief support and family support is wellness, but people have not recognized it in the past. )
We will start our programing in June.
Self Defense for Teens and Moms will start on June the 10th in the evening. Call us to register please.
Woodworking through it will start on Thursday June 13th in the evening. We will offer some woodworking projects from beginner to expert.
Art Hive – every Wednesday evening. A place for people to come together to do arts and crafts. Simplicity is the focus. You do not need to be an artist to participate.
Mourning Journal. Once a week in the morning, come to journal together. We will use poetry and quotes and grief prompts to give you the opportunity to process your grief through writing.
In July, we have lined up a yoga/meditation class and a Sound Expression class. (yes it is a mystery to me too! ) The healing vibrations of sound to support us as we grieve.
As we grieve – even years later – we need to focus on wellness in order to create the strength and resilience to be able move through it.
The Only Way Out Is Through. We are offering many ways for you to move through. Come and find your way.
Denise Torgerson
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