As some of you know I am retiring. This will be my last article I write for Hospice. Don’t worry, the lovely Erin will be continuing the writing. 

I want to say that as I go through this transition, I am acutely aware of the grief that I feel as I say good-bye. 

I am also aware that this is my choice, it has not been thrust upon me and that this is not even close to the grief you feel as you mourn the loss of your loved one. 

In that – I would like to tell you that the way that I have been regulating my emotions is by intentionally noticing the small things that I am grateful for and for the glimmers that I experience throughout the day. Glimmers are small bits of joy. Yesterday I experienced a glimmer when a longtime friend of Hospice gave me a hug and acknowledged our friendship. 

Today I am sitting in appreciation for all of you. This is so funny and seemingly insignificant, but I want to thank you all for hitting ‘open’ when you get this email, or for hitting ‘more’ if my article comes through your social media pages. I am also aware that some of you have shared the articles with people who you think would benefit. 

While I grieve the loss of this quiet connection with you, I am grateful for your interest. It means a lot to me that I am, in a small way, supporting you. 

As I move into a new future, I send you all loving vibes! I know that thinking about a new future can be overwhelming. If I can give you one more bit of education – one step at a time. Don’t be in a hurry. Don’t be hard on yourself if you think you are not “far enough along.” There is no time line. Think of the caterpillar. In order to turn into a butterfly, they have to literally turn into soup first. 

You are in the soup now. It will take a while to become solid again. 

Once again, thank you. 

Be Gentle With Yourself

Denise Torgerson