

As long as there is movement, even just a little bit, you are doing the grief work. Slowly, over time, a bit of movement, that’s all that is required.  It’s like a spiral. Slowly, around and around and you start to see that even though you are experiencing a...
Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Another day of celebration. At least for other people. For people who are grieving, this can be another day that makes the absence of our person seem more present. We are reminded of the loss. Of course for many of us, we don’t have to be reminded. We walk with it...
The Only Way Out Is Through

The Only Way Out Is Through

It is hard to admit for some of us but the only way to move through your grief is to intentionally do your grieving. Pretending it isn’t there and stuffing it down just doesn’t work. It takes way more energy to resist your grief that it does to let it in. We know that...