Self Care Strategies for Valentine’s Day

Self Care Strategies for Valentine’s Day

For those of us grieving the loss of a loved one, Valentine’s Day can be difficult. It can heighten the awareness of your loss. And, it is everywhere. You can’t even go to the grocery store without being confronted with reminders of celebrations of love. There are...
Being On Your Own Side

Being On Your Own Side

One of the most unfortunate aspects of grieving is that most people have no idea what you are going through. They say inappropriate things to you, not because they want to hurt you, because they simply do not understand. As a griever, it is important that we show up...
Change – There Is No Getting Around It

Change – There Is No Getting Around It

When someone we love dies, our lives change. There is really no getting around this. It is important that we understand this and at the very least hold a little bit of space for it. We struggle when our lives change – especially when it happens without our wanting it...
Radical Self-Care

Radical Self-Care

I know this is the season of giving. I will admit that giving to others is a very good way to care for yourself. Generosity of time and spirit can be incredibly helpful when we are grieving. However this year, as part of your self-care, I would ask you to be radical....
The Grief Response

The Grief Response

As we move into the holidays, I ask you to remember that grief is not just an emotional experience. Oh, I am aware that emotions play a major role in our inner worlds right now. This is a truth. Along with the emotional roller coaster, there are other ways that grief...