I Should Have

I Should Have

I have been hearing this statement a lot lately from different people in our grief support groups. I should have called sooner, I should have stayed home that day, I should have, or if only … I want to say a couple of things here. Hindsight is 20/20. We can’t know...
Spring Time!

Spring Time!

The sun is shining today and the snow is melting. It is always such a good feeling when spring arrives. Or is it. Often, spring can bring up a major grief response for families. Families will do their yard work and prepare their gardens together. Everyone has a task....
Self-Care Strategies For Valentine’s Day

Self-Care Strategies For Valentine’s Day

For those of us grieving the loss of a loved one, Valentine’s Day can be difficult. It can heighten the awareness of your loss. And it is everywhere. You can’t even go to the grocery store without being confronted with reminders of celebrations of love. There are...
It Takes Time

It Takes Time

Our society has it all wrong when it comes to timelines and grief. Our workplace gives us four days off, our friends think that after the funeral or celebration everything is back to “normal.” We think that at the most three or four months of grieving, and then we...
A Different Style of Grieving

A Different Style of Grieving

I had a chat with a young woman the other day. She was worried about her dad. She said that she didn’t think he was grieving. She said that he wasn’t crying or anything. I asked her a couple of questions and then told her that I thought her dad was doing just fine. We...