Give Yourself Permission

Give Yourself Permission

As we move into a new year, the tendency might be to just get on with it and try to leave our grief behind. I am here to say, that you we can’t leave our grief behind. The healthy grieving way is to move forward with our grief. It will start to take up less space over...
Ritual – Annual Celebrate a Life

Ritual – Annual Celebrate a Life

As Christmas gets closer, things can feel almost frantic. This holiday, for some reason, seems to take a lot longer to come than the rest. The holiday music starts earlier every year and all of the busyness is almost jarring. For those who are grieving, these feelings...
It Has Started

It Has Started

Yes, it is that time of year again when we are all supposed to pretend that we are happy. The season of good cheer, Christmas. For people who are grieving, Christmas can be exhausting. It is so hard pretending to be of good cheer. Often our friends and family are...
Grief Responses – It’s Not Always Tears

Grief Responses – It’s Not Always Tears

Crying is a natural and healthy response to grief. We always hold space in our work for people to cry. Crying helps us to release some of the pressure we hold inside of us. It is like letting a bit of steam out of a pressure cooker. Please, if you feel that lump in...
If You Can Name It, You Can Tame It

If You Can Name It, You Can Tame It

This is an evidence based statement by Dr. Daniel Siegel. I love this because it speaks to the effectiveness of the groups we do. When people have a safe place to talk about their experience around their grief, they can hold it better. It is through the conversation...
Anything but Thankful at Thanksgiving

Anything but Thankful at Thanksgiving

Oh boy, another holiday. The fall has been beautiful this year. The colors seem more vibrant than ever. I am thankful for this. Here is the thing though, Thanksgiving is another day that makes our loss seem more present. When we participate in our traditional...