My daughter described it perfectly.

My daughter described it perfectly.

When we are grieving it is like our phone will only charge to 10 percent. We get a bit of energy and then we are done very quickly. This often takes people by surprise. Often when we grieve we take on more than we can handle and then feel bad or worry that there is...
You’re Not Crazy

You’re Not Crazy

Often people who come to Hospice seeking grief support will start the conversation by saying something like. “There must be something wrong with me. I must be crazy or something.” When we ask why, they share that they are feeling worse now than when the death...
It’s The Little Things

It’s The Little Things

People do not understand that there are losses that happen because of the loss. When our person dies, we grieve more than just the death. And it’s not always the big things. Sometimes we grieve the gravy not being as good, or your hair not being done in the way that...
Needs of the Griever

Needs of the Griever

“There are three needs of the griever: To find the words for the loss, to say the words aloud, and to know that the words have been heard.” Victoria Alexander So this is it in a nutshell. For all of the grief theories and models out there, for all of the education we...
Make a Plan

Make a Plan

Oh boy, another “event” Valentine’s Day. Another reason to feel the absence of the person we have lost. For most families Valentine’s Day can be an occasion for joy and for sharing the love we have for one another. For some it is simply a reason to buy chocolate. For...
Grieving Styles

Grieving Styles

We have said many times in the past that we are all unique in our grief. Each person will grieve in their own way in their own time. Each person will need different kinds of support depending on their history with the person that died. Along with that though, there...